While skateboarding had a wider history and expression for sure, for me it was something distinctly “Californian” — and justly so, I think. Perhaps that is why some of my favourite skate related ads came from Jimmy’z which often featured big name skaters in sunny, outdoor, Californian settings, often employing striking skate photography. Here are just a few of my favorites.
Skateboarding legend Natas Kaupas beautifully framed by San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, riding the grail of grails for many a skateboard collector, his uber-rare, yellow SMA panther, designed by fellow Dogtowner, Kevin Ancell. If all those ingredients weren’t enough, this spectacular photograph was taken by one of the legends in skate photography, MoFo (Mörizen Föche).
More Natas
Dave Duncan photographed in an empty backyard pool
Eric Dressen on a half-pipe
Christian Hosoi in classic 80’s pink canvas hightops — look like Converse to me.