Skate Culture

Skateboard Books & Mags

Book Notice: "Agents Provocateurs: 100 Subversive Skate Graphics"

Book Notice: “Agents Provocateurs: 100 Subversive Skate Graphics”

Gingko Press is perhaps best known amongst the skate crowd for its publication of Sean Cliver’s books, Disposable I and Disposable II (the “Bible”), but it has recently announced that it is coming out with another new book related to skate art, Agents Provocateurs: 100 Subversive Skate Graphics. They describe the book accordingly: Skateboard graphics …

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Book Review: Skateboard Stickers

Book Review: Skateboard Stickers

While this is not a newly released book, my thought is that any good book related to skate culture is worth a review. “Skateboard Stickers” was put together by Mark Munison and Steve Cardwell and published by Laurence King Publishing. It is, as the title clearly suggests, a book about skateboard stickers. Now anyone who …

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