Skate Culture

Skateboard History

Jay Adams Pool Skating

Jay Adams by Glen E. Friedman

Typically I have used the site proper here for written pieces and social media for photo posts, but when it comes to the photos of Glen E. Friendman, that’s a whole other story because they are a story in and of themselves. Glen’s Instagram page is sharing some amazing stuff as you’d expect and a …

Jay Adams by Glen E. Friedman Read More »

Old School Dogtown Decks

Old School Dogtown Decks

Sometimes you don’t need much in the way or words. Just images. Here are some old school images showing old school Dogtown Skates boards as designed and drawn by Wes Humpston and Jim Muir. Shogo Kubo Jim Muir Ray Flores Paul Constantineau Arthur Lake Wes Humpston Join the conversation on our Facebook page. Share: